Risk Management

Defuse disputes with arbitration clauses

Properly drafted arbitration clauses can help reduce resident disputes, but families may still need help understanding the terms. Read More »

Flu season: An opportunity for training

Despite sunshine and warm temperatures, influenza season is right around the corner. Are your staffers trained in the policies and protocols concerning vaccinations? Read More »

Fla. judge says resident death is manslaughter

A Florida court has charged an assisted living LPN with aggravated manslaughter—a felony charge rarely seen in the assisted living setting and one that comes with serious jail time. Read More »

Training, practice and technology pay off in real emergencies

Two real-life incidents show the importance of preparedness and training, so if the worst happens, your staff is ready. Read More »

OSHA launches anti-retaliation rules for injury and illness reporting

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has passed rules that forbid retaliation and discrimination for reporting injuries, including post-accident drug testing and "incentive" programs that retaliate against those who bring workplace safety violations to light. Read More »

Leftover medications

The new Drug Enforcement Agency rules on medication reclamation and disposal protocols have been out since October 2014, but some nursing homes are still using improper methods to deal with unused or expired medications. Read More »

One in five nursing home residents victim of elder abuse

Resident-to-resident elder mistreatment is highly prevalent in nursing homes, according to a new study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.  Read More »

FDA recommends reducing sodium intake

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued draft guidance to reduce sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams per day. One in three Americans has high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Read More »

Extreme honesty: Medical errors and full disclosure

Mistakes and “near misses” can and will happen. But, how a facility discloses an error can affect everything from the CMS response to the family’s reaction. Read More »

Recruiting fresh talent requires fresh thinking

The long-term care industry is facing a workforce shortage. This Kentucky high school might be on to a solution, writes Senior Editor Nicole Stempak.  Read More »

The art of conflict resolution

When family emotions and workplace stressors combine, long-term care communities can become powderkegs of conflict. Train staff how to spot  conflict breweing and how to intervene. Read More »

A closer look at granny cams

To film or not to film—Two risk management experts discuss the pros and cons of cameras in senior living spaces. Read More »

Alaska cites AL for lack of training in workplace violence

State labor citations at an Alaska assisted living home have other LTC operators checking the status of their staff training on workplace violence. Read More »

Nursing depositions—Duty or disaster?

Being asked to give a deposition doesn’t have to be a scary experience with the right documentation skills and preparedness. Read More »

Educating AND training for safety

Safety training only goes so far unless you train employees’ hands as well as their heads, says safety training expert Steve Wilder. Read More »

DOJ: substandard nursing home care will not be tolerated

The Department of Justice announced the launch of 10 regional interagency task forces designed to protect seniors in nursing homes by holding operators accountable for the quality of care they provide. Read More »

CMS imposes fines of more than $278k for Woodbriar Health Center

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has imposed steep fines and threatened to terminate Woodbriar Health Center from its programs if serious problems are not resolved by next week. Read More »

Training went unheeded at Woodbriar Health Center, say Mass. regulators

Employees at Woodbriar Health Center were retrained on falls-related injuries following the death of a resident, according to a revised plan submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Helath. The department says the second fall-related resident death is the result of deficient care.  Read More »

Healthcare workers impaired on the job

Workers who drink or use drugs may be able to hide their impairment from the boss, but sometimes the residents can tell right away, explains SNF resident blogger Kathleen Mears. Read More »

Dealing with disruptive visitors

Residents have a right to visitors, but SNFs must maintain safety and the rights of others. Long-Term Living's Legal expert Alan C. Horowitz shares some complicated cases and offers intervention strategies from chief medical directors. Read More »

Woodbriar residents in ‘immediate jeopardy,’ say Mass. regulators

In the course of an investigation of a resident's death, state regulators determined substandard care resulted in a second resident death and resident fall at Woodbriar Health Center, the latest in a mounting citation list for owner Synergy Health Centers. Read More »

Shooting at Ohio retirement community kills 2, wounds 1

UPDATED: Police are investigating the incident, which appears to have involved three staff members from the community and no residents. Read More »

Watch your back

As OSHA rules become more stringent, senior living organizations are giving more attention to healthy habits to avoid staff back injuries—and not just when lifting a resident. Read More »

Preparing residents for emergencies

All long-term living communities need protocols for managing a wide range of incidents whether the law requires it or not, and residents need to be part of the annual practice drills, says safety expert Stan Szpytek. Read More »

Predatory legal advertising: How nursing homes can respond

Legal advertisements that aim to exploit nursing homes often hit way below the belt, and nursing homes have the right to challenge them. Legal expert Alan C. Horowitz, JD, RN, explains what nursing homes can do to fight back against misleading and deceptive legal advertisements. Read More »

CA judge halts end-of-life decision making for incompetent nursing home residents

A judge rules physicians are no longer able to make end-of-life decisions for nursing home residents, citing the 1992 state law violates residents' constitutional rights.  Read More »

CT launches background check program for LTC workers

Connecticut has launched a new background check portal to allow employers to screen potential employees, contractors and volunteers who have direct contact with residents.  Read More »

Job injuries linked to job loss

Nursing home workers are more likely to be fired within six months of being injured, a new study finds. Workers are more likely to quit within six months of being injured multiple times.  Read More »