Healthcare reform

Recruitment Strategies to Help Senior Care Facilities Meet the New CMS Staffing Requirements

With the finalization of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities ... Read More »

Reactions to the Finalized CMS Nursing Home Staffing Standards

On April 22, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized the Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilitie... Read More »

Alzheimer’s Association Report Finds Lack of Care Navigation Support and Shortage of Direct Care Workers

The Alzheimer’s Association released its 2024 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report in March. The special report, Mapping a Better... Read More »

Proposed Minimum Staffing Requirements Poised to Impact Nursing Homes

On September 1, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (C... Read More »

SDOH Items on the MDS: Be Proactive to Avoid Staff—and Resident—Negativity

The new social determinants of health (SDOH) items that are being added to the MDS effective Oct. 1, 2023, can be shocking to nurse asses... Read More »

California Bill Could Bring Additional Costs for Health Care Providers

California Senate Bill 525 is poised to increase the minimum wage for employees working in California health care facilities from $15 to ... Read More »

How Senior Care Facilities Can Improve Family Communication and Connections During the Pandemic

With COVID and budget constraints, senior care facilities are searching for ways to connect residents and their families. Read More »

Beyond the Mask: How Caregivers Can Still Make Personal Connections

For senior care facility residents, interacting with caregivers, doctors, and specialists wearing PPE, particularly masks, can be an alienating experience. Read More »

How Healthcare Administrators Can Control COVID-19 Rumors Among Staff

Staff uncertainty and rumors can lead to confusion and unease, so facilities need to adjust their communications policies to prevent and control misinformation. Read More »

Managing Nurse Staffing in Uncertain Times

Senior living facilities rely on staff scheduling software to ensure proper coverage amid COVID-19 challenges. Read More »

Federal Strategies and Procedures Designed to Protect Seniors

President Trump recently released a statement detailing how his administration is supporting America’s seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

Enter the 2020 eHealthcare Leadership Awards!

During this unprecedented time of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic, your digital communications skills and efforts have been critical to helping save lives and protect your communities. Read More »

Addressing Unprecedented Talent Needs in Senior Living

For those organizations that have the will, skills and the tools to take advantage, there are real opportunities for them to hire open positions in the near term and establish brand and even industry-wide loyalty for the long term. Read More »

Strategies to Reassure Residents’ Families During COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought fear, uncertainty, and stress, but facilities can not only keep residents reassured, but also their families. Read More »

President Trump Announces New Pandemic-Related Measures To Protect Seniors

In a statement issued April 30th, President Trump reiterated his support for the nation's seniors and announced new COVID-related protection measures. Read More »

Apprenticeships in Senior Care

On-the-job training can improve quality of care and incentivize good workers to stay put. Read More »

Technology and Senior Care, At Home and In Your Facility

New technologies can improve care inside and outside your facility in a number of ways. Read More »

3 ways to take the pain out of prior authorizations

Obtaining prior authorizations can cost your practice some 14 hours of staff time per physician per week. This whitepaper explains the three key capacities your IT partner should be able to offer you, so you can confidently hand this administrative burden off to them. Know when an order has been created Determine whether an authorization is needed Obtain that authorization on your practice’s behalf Free your staff up from hours of phone work every week. This whitepaper shows you how. Read More »

Menorah Manor introduces new telemedicine program

The Marion and Bernard L. Samson Nursing Center at Menorah Manor has partnered with BayCare to launch an innovative telemedicine program. Read More »

LTC associations urge Congress to keep the medical expenses tax deduction

The tax deduction for medical expenses is on the chopping block in the Trump Administration’s new tax reform bill, an elimination that could seriously hurt all seniors, especially those with dementia. Read More »

Senate says no to ‘skinny repeal’ healthcare bill version

The Senate has voted 51-49 to keep the Affordable Care Act law the way it is—for now. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says it’s time to “move on.” Read More »

412 charged in largest-ever fraud bust

July has been a record-breaking month for the Department of Justice’s fraud squad, which orchestrated a 30-state takedown totaling $1.3 billion in fraudulent or illegal activities. Read More »

Senate abandons second healthcare bill

The Senate GOP has pulled the plug on its most recent attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Read More »

Senate GOP issues revisions to BCRA health bill

GOP senators make a few big changes to the BCRA bill but stick to their guns on tax repeals and cuts to Medicaid. Read More »

States must beef up LTSS for boomers

AARP concluded in a recent report that states are improving long-term services and supports (LTSS) but aren’t keeping pace with growing demand.  Read More »

An open letter to Congress

Blogger Kathleen Mears writes legislators about how the proposed healthcare legislation would affect her and fellow nursing home residents. Read More »

How the Senate healthcare bill could affect seniors

The Senate’s proposed healthcare bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, calls for deep cuts to Medicaid. The program pays for about two-thirds of the 1.4 million seniors who live in nursing homes.  Read More »

CBO releases cost estimate, Senate delays vote on healthcare bill

The Senate’s version of healthcare reform would cut federal deficit, but also would make deep cuts to Medicaid at the federal and state levels. Read More »