
Mental Health Resources for Caregivers

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the senior care environment, and staff have endured significant stress, uncertainty, and emotional challenges. Read More »

Special Report: COVID-19 and the Senior Care Industry

The resources in this new report can help senior care leaders learn from what other facilities are doing and better protect the seniors in your care. Read More »

How Healthcare Administrators Can Control COVID-19 Rumors Among Staff

Staff uncertainty and rumors can lead to confusion and unease, so facilities need to adjust their communications policies to prevent and control misinformation. Read More »

Precautions to Take When Admitting Visitors During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In compassionate care situations, facilities may want to allow families to visit with their loved ones. Here are some guidelines for keeping those visits safe. Read More »

Managing Nurse Staffing in Uncertain Times

Senior living facilities rely on staff scheduling software to ensure proper coverage amid COVID-19 challenges. Read More »

How Senior Care Facilities Can Boost Staff Morale During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There’s a lot of fear and stress surrounding COVID-19, and senior care facility staff may experience high levels of fear and stress. Read More »

Strategies Facilities Can Use to Optimize Their Current PPE Supply

With PPE in short supply, facilities increasingly need to conserve their existing stock and find creative ways to source additional supplies. Read More »

Federal Strategies and Procedures Designed to Protect Seniors

President Trump recently released a statement detailing how his administration is supporting America’s seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

Addressing Unprecedented Talent Needs in Senior Living

For those organizations that have the will, skills and the tools to take advantage, there are real opportunities for them to hire open positions in the near term and establish brand and even industry-wide loyalty for the long term. Read More »

Creative Ways to Improve Staff Perks

Great staff are essential to quality senior care facilities, so it’s important that facilities show their appreciation for staff to retai... Read More »

Top Ways to Support Staff Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In addition to making sure that staff have the PPE and resources they need to work safely during this pandemic, facilities also need to make sure that staff’s mental health needs are met. Read More »

6 Strategies for Training New Hires

The training and experience a new hire receives during their first days at your senior care facility can set the tone for their employment. Read More »

Top 4 Ways Senior Care Facilities Can Invest in Their New Hires

Investing in new hires can be expensive and time-consuming, and employee turnover can become a major expense. Read More »

Strategies to Maintain Staff-Resident Relationships During Times of High Turnover

High turnover rates can have a significant effect on staff-resident relationships - learn how to mitigate that problem. Read More »

How to Find Applicants Who Are Passionate About Their Work

Engaged staff who are passionate about their work can make a tremendous difference in resident happiness and health. Read More »

CDC: Protect Staff With Underlying Conditions Against COVID-19

Staff at skilled nursing facilities and other senior care facilities risk serious illness if infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Read More »

Planning for the Challenge: How Your Facility Can Ensure All Shifts Are Covered When You’re Short-Staffed

Even with careful planning, senior care facilities can still experience short-staffing periods that make it difficult to cover all shifts. Read More »

Survey: Senior Care Leaders Extremely Concerned About COVID-19 Impacts and Supplies

The Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and its leading media brand, i Advance Senior Care, are conducting surveys to uncover COVID-19’s current impact on senior care and long-term care facilities in the United States. The results of the initial survey are now available. Read More »

Coronavirus preparedness for senior care facilities: The latest scientific recommendations

Guidelines for preventing COVID-19 and managing coronavirus infection in senior care facilities are rapidly evolving. Read on for the latest. Read More »

Can Software Prevent Nurse Burnout?

To reduce nurse burnout and improve patient care, SNFs and other senior care facilities are implementing scheduling software, helping ensure proper nurse-to-patient ratios. Read More »

Gun Violence and Senior Living

Last year, gun violence led to tragic outcomes in several U.S. senior living facilities. How can you keep residents and employees at your facility safe? Read More »

Tune In Before They Tune Out [Infographic]

Workforce Management Challenges and Opportunities in Post Acute and Senior Living Read More »

Partnering for Better Internships

Some long-term care and assisted living communities are getting creative in how they recruit the best and brightest staff, and are taking pains to build their next generation of staff leaders Read More »

Unmet Needs Lead To Staff Turnover

A two-year study of three nursing homes in Sweden offers valuable data for all nursing home leaders. The study, Unmet Expectations: Why N... Read More »

QAPI Can Engage Staff and Improve Your LTC Facility

A key component of active implementation of the final rule is for all staff to be trained and participating in Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) activities — a paradigm shift for some nursing homes. Read More »

Senior Care Leadership: Are You a Workaholic?

Finding (and modeling) a better work-life balance can benefit your entire organization Read More »

Apprenticeships in Senior Care

On-the-job training can improve quality of care and incentivize good workers to stay put. Read More »

New Safe Medication Disposal Rules

Is your facility in compliance with new EPA rules regarding disposal of pharmaceuticals? Read More »

Surviving Flu Season

This annual scourge can be a major health threat for residents and staff. Read More »

Use Training, Technology to Reduce Lifting Injuries Among Clinical Staff

Robotics is helping make nursing a safer practice Read More »