
How Healthcare Administrators Can Control COVID-19 Rumors Among Staff

Staff uncertainty and rumors can lead to confusion and unease, so facilities need to adjust their communications policies to prevent and control misinformation. Read More »

Key Resources from the CMS Toolkit on State Actions to Mitigate COVID-19 Prevalence in Nursing Homes

Here, we highlight some of the most versatile resources that senior care facilities can learn from and adopt. Read More »

For Seniors, Digital Content Offers Entertainment and Engagement

Technology and digital content can offer some welcome distraction during this time of social distancing and canceled activities. Read More »

Precautions to Take When Admitting Visitors During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In compassionate care situations, facilities may want to allow families to visit with their loved ones. Here are some guidelines for keeping those visits safe. Read More »

How Senior Care Facilities Can Boost Staff Morale During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There’s a lot of fear and stress surrounding COVID-19, and senior care facility staff may experience high levels of fear and stress. Read More »

How Technology and Creative In-Person Solutions Can Help Residents Stay Connected

With social distancing, the inability of residents and families to visit in person has been stressful and upsetting. But senior care leaders are getting creative. Read More »

CMS to Enforce Nursing Homes’ COVID-19 Reporting Effective June 7

A minimum of every seven days, nursing homes are now required to report COVID-19 information to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Read More »

Strategies Facilities Can Use to Optimize Their Current PPE Supply

With PPE in short supply, facilities increasingly need to conserve their existing stock and find creative ways to source additional supplies. Read More »

Federal Strategies and Procedures Designed to Protect Seniors

President Trump recently released a statement detailing how his administration is supporting America’s seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

Enter the 2020 eHealthcare Leadership Awards!

During this unprecedented time of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic, your digital communications skills and efforts have been critical to helping save lives and protect your communities. Read More »

How Senior Living Facilities Can Support Resident Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the stress and upheaval of COVID-19, senior care facilities need to focus on ways to support the mental health and well-being of their residents. Read More »

Combatting Ageism in Your Facility

As a culture, we tend to discount age and experience. This sets the stage for rampant ageism, and senior care facilities are not immune. Read More »

Strategies to Reassure Residents’ Families During COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought fear, uncertainty, and stress, but facilities can not only keep residents reassured, but also their families. Read More »

Survey: Senior Care Leaders Extremely Concerned About COVID-19 Impacts and Supplies

The Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and its leading media brand, i Advance Senior Care, are conducting surveys to uncover COVID-19’s current impact on senior care and long-term care facilities in the United States. The results of the initial survey are now available. Read More »

Coronavirus preparedness for senior care facilities: The latest scientific recommendations

Guidelines for preventing COVID-19 and managing coronavirus infection in senior care facilities are rapidly evolving. Read on for the latest. Read More »

The Relationship Between Senior Care and Pharmacy Solutions: Part 2

Medication management challenges senior care facilities. Explore pharmacy solutions including medication therapy management and formulary management. Read More »

Tune In Before They Tune Out [Infographic]

Workforce Management Challenges and Opportunities in Post Acute and Senior Living Read More »

Lifelong Learning for Better Resident Health and Engagement

Provide a variety of opportunities for your residents to continue learning well into their later years. Read More »

Senior Care Leadership: Are You a Workaholic?

Finding (and modeling) a better work-life balance can benefit your entire organization Read More »

Branding & Marketing: What Senior Living Can Learn From Other Industries

Marketing and branding tactics that can help set your senior care organization apart from your competition. Read More »

Apprenticeships in Senior Care

On-the-job training can improve quality of care and incentivize good workers to stay put. Read More »

Protecting Your Residents From Financial Exploitation

Financial exploitation or abuse of older adults occurs when a person’s resources are used by another for personal profit or gain, or actions are taken that deprive an older person of his or her rightful benefits. No one is immune. This sort of theft can happen to anyone, regardless of social standing or education levels. Read More »

New Safe Medication Disposal Rules

Is your facility in compliance with new EPA rules regarding disposal of pharmaceuticals? Read More »

10 Tips for Improved Leadership Communications

Better communication can improve your workplace culture and lead to better staff commitment and longevity. Read More »

Beyond Survey: Creating a Culture of Staff Competency

As nurse leaders, we often take for granted that staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to adequately and safely care for the diverse needs of all our residents, especially new admissions. Read More »

The Many Benefits of Strategic Rounds

By following the practical approaches to rounding described in this article, you can maximize what you learn about care delivery and achieve the greatest results. Read More »

Setting an example

2016 Leader of Tomorrow award recipient Bruce William thanks a former boss turned mentor for showing him how to serve and move the long-term care industry forward. Read More »

2017 OPTIMA Award: Under one roof

The winner of the 2017 OPTIMA Award for Excellence in Resident-Focused Care started an intergenerational living program to give new life to aging services and solve staff shortages at the same time. Read More »