Assisted living

Technology With the Human Touch

The rapid proliferation of voice-activated devices and other tools is changing the landscape for many senior living facilities and their residents. Read More »

Strategies to Reassure Residents’ Families During COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought fear, uncertainty, and stress, but facilities can not only keep residents reassured, but also their families. Read More »

Activity Ideas for Residents That Maintain Social Distancing

Social isolation can be stressful and lonely, so the more creative ways that facilities can find to keep seniors safely involved, the better. Read More »

COVID-19 Best Practices for Senior Care Facility Communications Teams

Prompt, clear communication can help senior care facilities maintain public trust, keep residents up to date, and keep staff informed. Read More »

Senior Care Coronavirus News Roundup for Monday, 4/13: The Easter Bunny and More

IASC's periodic roundup of coronavirus-related news of interest to senior care leaders. Read More »

Senior Care Coronavirus News Roundup for Friday, 4/10: Puppies and More

IASC's periodic roundup of coronavirus-related news of interest to senior care leaders. Read More »

Senior Care Coronavirus News Roundup for Friday, 4/3: Therapy Chickens and More

IASC's periodic roundup of coronavirus-related news of interest to senior care leaders. Read More »

4 Strategies to Help Families Plan for End-of-Life Care

Navigating sickness and death is difficult for anyone. Your senior care facility will play an important role in helping families through this period. Read More »

Can Software Prevent Nurse Burnout?

To reduce nurse burnout and improve patient care, SNFs and other senior care facilities are implementing scheduling software, helping ensure proper nurse-to-patient ratios. Read More »

Sexual Expression and Intimacy: How to Develop a Strong Policy

Providers should consider developing a resident-centered policy for the management of resident sexual activity - here are the guidelines to consider. Read More »

Lifelong Learning for Better Resident Health and Engagement

Provide a variety of opportunities for your residents to continue learning well into their later years. Read More »

Apprenticeships in Senior Care

On-the-job training can improve quality of care and incentivize good workers to stay put. Read More »

Protecting Your Residents From Financial Exploitation

Financial exploitation or abuse of older adults occurs when a person’s resources are used by another for personal profit or gain, or actions are taken that deprive an older person of his or her rightful benefits. No one is immune. This sort of theft can happen to anyone, regardless of social standing or education levels. Read More »

Music Therapy for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Music can reach people in ways other therapies cannot. Read More »

Pet Therapy and Elder Care: A Winning Combination

Frequent contact with pets has been shown to improve cognitive abilities, enhance mood, and boost feelings of interest and enthusiasm. Read More »

Fall prevention: One step at a time

When a loved one enters an assisted living facility, families are eager to learn how they can help out. Providers can educate them to recognize fall hazards. Read More »

Nursing homes may be illegally refusing residents in need of addiction treatment

Nursing facilities routinely turn away patients seeking post-hospital care if they are taking medicine to treat opioid addiction, a practice that legal experts say violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Read More »

Assisted living activities: From blankets to beer, variety is key

Bingo and movie night aren’t enough to keep most residents engaged and happy. Activity professional Susan Rauch shares unconventional ideas for expanding your activities offerings. Read More »

The sound of participation

A Boston startup is helping residents stay involved by bringing conversations up close and personal to combat hearing loss. Read More »

Wellness coaches help seniors not only survive, but thrive

A Massachusetts retirement community uses coaches to help seniors maintain physical, emotional and spiritual health. Read More »

Three employees fired for videotaping residents

An assisted living facility is investigating after employees shared videos on social media that made fun of residents. Read More »

ASA, senior care sites join Gillette’s pilot of ‘assisted shaving’ razor

Care sites in the United States and the United Kingdom will test the razor, billed as the world’s first razor designed for shaving someone else. Read More »

AHCA: A bright year ahead

Mark Parkinson, CEO of the American Health Care Association, shared his optimistic view for the senior living industry in his opening remarks of the 68th annual AHCA/NCAL Conference and Expo. Read More »

Going places

Ride-hailing companies are expanding their on-demand services to the long-term care market. Read More »

NV nurse charged with refusing to help resident after a fall

Co-workers at the assisted living community said they were ordered to let a memory care resident fall out of her wheelchair so the fall could be used as an excuse to remove the resident from the unit, according to police. Read More »

Why clinical sensors make sense

Smart sensors can detect early illness and keep seniors safely independent for longer, according to new research in JAMDA. Read More »

A new reality

Virtual reality technology gives seniors life beyond four walls. Read More »

The Baby Boomer Move with Alisa Tagg

Senior care keeps evolving to meet today’s ever-changing standards, but the influx of baby boomers into assisted living may one of the biggest catalysts for procedural reevaluation yet.     Read More »

One-on-One with… Erin Jones

Emerson House Executive Director Erin Jones, recently named 2017 Administrator of the Year by the National Center for Assisted Living, spoke with I Advance Senior Care about culture change within assisted living and her organization’s four-year journey toward better resident satisfaction and streamlined care processes.  Read More »

Briggs, PointClickCare partner for AL documentation

Together, the companies will help assisted living providers with state-required documentation compliance.  Read More »