7 tips to the CEO marketing strategy
You may not realize this but as an administrator or executive director of a skilled nursing facility, assisted living community, CCRC, home care agency or hospice, you manage one of the larger business in your community. You are the “CEO” of your business and as such have unique marketing opportunities that come with that position.
As the CEO, doors are open to you because of your position. Your fellow administrators in the industry—CEOs of the local hospitals, civic and businesses leaders—will be willing to meet with you.
Their motivation to meet with you is basic. They need a relationship with you as much as you need a relationship with them. Here are some tactics I have executed for clients that realize this concept:
1. SNFs, ALFs and adult day care centers are some of the largest sources of patients for hospitals. Meet with the local hospital CEO to discuss this unique position you hold and how you can work together to a mutual benefit.
2. A healthy distribution of referral sources should include your fellow providers of services for the elderly. Meet with those CEOs to discuss how you can both support each other’s census or revenue growth goals.
3. Local businesses outside of healthcare are dealing with personnel elder care issues and need local resources to help their employees navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of our industry. Meet with local business leaders to discuss how you can provide education and other resources to help their employees.
4. Believe it or not, but SNFs can work with local businesses and municipalities on workman’s compensation cases. Meet with local businesses and civic leaders to discuss how you can help them control costs.
Mutual challenges exist where cooperation could result in strategies that would benefit both organizations. Here are some more of my suggested tactics to circumvent said challenges:
5. Hospitals are dealing with Medicare restrictions and penalties on re-admissions and growth of managed care. The strategies being developed in response to these issues result in opportunities for all providers in long-term care. Meet with the local hospital CEO to discuss these problems and how you can work together to reduce re-admissions and deal with managed care.
6. Medicare home health providers are also dealing with issues Medicare re-admission guidelines. See resolution to #5 above.
7. ALFs, CCRCs and private duty home care providers want to retain their residents and clients. Meet with those CEOs to discuss partnering with hospitals, hospices, SNFs, etc., to enhance the services you provide and gain a competitive advantage.
There is tremendous opportunity that comes from your role as the CEO of your facility or office. Take advantage of this opportunity by reaching out to your fellow CEOs and discussing your mutual challenges and opportunities. You may be pleasantly surprised at how receptive they are to your overtures.

Luke Fannon is founder and CEO of Premier Coaching & Training, Unionville, Pa., which provides sales training, marketing team coaching and strategic consulting services to providers in the long-term care industry. For more information, visit www.pctmarketing.com.
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