Our 50th Year

We don't like to be self-referential in this column-providing, for
example, an extended table of contents or a blurb about how wonder-ful we are-but a 50th anniversary probably justifies some special mention of ourselves. Nursing Homes/Long Term Care Management published its first issue in 1951. I wish I could give you chapter-and-verse about the history of this magazine, but much of it has been lost in the mists of time and dwindling medical library space. We do know that when our company purchased the magazine in 1988, it was a slender bimonthly going to some 4,000 mysteriously selected readers. We have since gone to a monthly frequency, plus a special DESIGN issue, and a 13-fold increase in readership.

We also know that, through all that has happened in long-term care since 1951, Nursing Homes (the original, stripped-down title) has been along for the ride. And, where once the magazine covered only the nursing home field, today its articles and departments stretch across the continuum of long-term care. Now, for our latest foray into modernity, we have significantly expanded the Editorial Advisory Board to include some of the most distinguished names in the field. Please meet our new board below;


Robert O. Andres, PhD, CPE
President, Ergonomic Engineering Pelham, MA

Robert H. Binstock, PhD
Professor of Aging, Health and Society Case
Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH

H. Terri Brower, EdD
Professor of Nursing
Auburn University School of Nursing
Auburn University, AL

Margaret P. Calkins, PhD
President, IDEAS, Inc., Kirtland, OH

Ian L. Cordes, NHA, MBA, FACHCA
President, Corecare Associates
West Palm Beach, FL

William V. Day
President, St. Barnabas
Health System Gibsonia, PA

Genevieve Gipson
Director, Career Nurse Assistants
Programs, Inc., Norton, OH

Sheldon L. Goldberg
President & CEO, The Jewish Home
& Hospital, New York, NY

David A. Green
President & CEO, Evergreen
Retirement Community, Oshkosh, WI

Leslie S. Libow, MD
Professor of Geriatrics, Mount Sinai Medical Center
and The Jewish Home & Hospital, New York, NY

Alan Meyers, PhD
CQI/Staff Development Consultant North Miami, FL
Robert D. Sherman, CMC
Chief Information Officer
Washington Hospital Healthcare
System, Fremont, CA

Gerald D. Weisman, PhD
Co-Director, Institute on Aging &
Environment, University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI

Paul R. Willging, PhD
Director, Seniors Housing & Care
Program, Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD

it is they who will help guide the newer, bigger, faster Nursing Homes in serving its audience, meeting a need as sharply defined as it was when the first publishers decided it was time for a magazine. NH

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