Online videos offer tips for seniors

They are lighthearted and short—only two minutes each—but a new animated video series produced by Emeritus Senior Living offers seniors valuable tips on how to lead safer and healthier lives.

The online videos star an animated character named Maude who, each week, offers "Maude's Two-Minute Meddlings." A press release announcing the animated series says Maude "likes to dole out advice and meddle in people’s lives—but always for their benefit."

Among the topics covered in this series are: How to Avoid Scams; Get a Better Night's Sleep; Improve Your Brain Health; How to Live to be 100; and Limit Your Risk of Falls.

In How to Live to be 100, for example, advice comes from real centenarians. And in Limit Your Risk of Falls, Maude imparts advice on proper nutrition and how to make residential spaces safer.

Read more about the video series here.


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