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LeadingAge updates IT planning workbook

Just two months after the release of its Strategic IT Planning for Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Providers: A “How To” Workbook, the LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) has added new features.

This update should help executive teams identify and incorporate information technology solutions into their organizations’ strategic plans, according to CAST.

Additions to the workbook:

  • An interactive online educational module that summarizes information from the workbook, captures process flow and points the user to the relevant content and resources based on responses to a series of prompted questions.
  • Process flowcharts illustrating each phase of the strategic planning and information technology (IT) planning and implementation process, including high-level overview, strategic planning, strategic IT planning, IT infrastructure update and operational planning for technology applications.
  • Six case studies highlighting, summarizing and showcasing real-world provider experiences with strategic planning, strategic IT planning, IT infrastructure update planning for specific technology applications and outsourcing IT support.

CAST also plans to add additional user feedback and case studies in future updates.

Topics: Technology & IT