Investment will expand telehealth in LTC market

Norwalk, Conn.-based Xerox is investing in Dublin, Ohio-based HealthSpot Inc., a company that has developed a cloud-based telehealth platform.

The deal will allow HealthSpot to use Xerox's IT infrastructure to deploy more of its telehealth kiosks to key locations throughout the country, including within long-term care facilities. It also will give Xerox a leg up in the delivery of cloud-hosting services, system integration, claims eligibility and claims submissions solutions.

"HealthSpot is at the center of healthcare’s shift to a patient-centered model of care, and our investment in the company demonstrates Xerox’s commitment to transforming traditional healthcare into a high-value delivery system for patients, providers and payers," said Connie Harvey, chief operating officer of Commercial Healthcare for Xerox, in a press release.

Steve Cashman, HealthSpot CEO, added: "Telehealth is recognized as a solution for access, but to become a true extension of traditional healthcare requires more than just a mobile app and a videoconference with patients. We need an integrated and secure IT offering that is scalable, and our Xerox partnership will do just that."


Topics: Technology & IT