The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Executive console compares performance across sites, competitors

Cambridge, Mass.-based PointRight now offers data analytics-driven software designed to allow long-term care executives for post-acute care provider executives to gauge the performance of all facilities within their enterprise, as well as compare their facilities with those of competitors.

FlashPoint Executive Console uses predictive modeling and analytics to aggregate data collected from three years' worth of surveys. Areas covered include proactive care, management, five-star quality ratings, long and short-stay quality measures and compliance assurance.

"The FlashPoint Executive Console…gives provider executives two business-critical viewpoints of their performance: first is a manageable, look at the performance of all of the facilities within their corporate hierarchy; and second is the actionable insight to improve performance beyond competitors," Steven Littlehale, executive vice president and chief clinical officer at PointRight, said in a press release. "With this solution, providers will not only understand what their performance is across their facilities, but also how they can use these analytics-driven insights to better-position themselves in line with competitor performance and find ways to differentiate themselves with key referral sources and payers."

Topics: Technology & IT