Much to be done before MDS, RUG 2010 changes

At a glance… Technology now holds promise for compliance with some of the new CMS interpretive guidance (effective June 12, 2009), for several of Read More »

Softening the assessment process

The culture change movement has taught us so much, causing us to think twice about what we do. We're finding, unfortunately, that many of the Read More »

Swing beds and the MDS

Unique in their own way, “swing beds” provide the patient, physician, and rural communities another avenue of care and an opportunity to further Read More »

Correct assessment is key to treatment

Aggregate MDS data indicates that more than 50% of the nursing home population experiences some degree of urinary incontinence (UI).1 UI, however, Read More »

Questions & answers from the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators (AANAC)

Q: Regarding coding of assistance with bathing: According to the RAI User's Manual, you code the highest level of assist given in the past seven Read More »

Grassroots strategies for MDS success

Proficiency in Minimum Data Set (MDS) completion is critical in long-term care. Skill and accuracy in completing the MDS is gaining even more Read More »

Questions & answers from the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators (AANAC)

Q: Regarding Significant Change in Status Assessments (SCSA): The RAI User's Manual states that improvement or decline would be in two or more of Read More »

New and improved: 2007 pressure ulcer definitions

Advances in wound care science and knowledge occur every day. In February 2007, the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), via a consensus Read More »

The Dreadful Documenters: A zoology

In the Medical Records world, I have come across a variety of documentation species. Some are more dangerous than others. A number of them can sink Read More »

Medicare 101: Know your documentation

Basic knowledge of Medicare's skilled care criteria has been historically considered a “must-know” for skilled nursing facility (SNF) admission Read More »

Be a Winner in Medicare RUG-53

BY CHERYL FIELD, MSN, RN, CRRN, AND JIM KAZMER Be a winner in Medicare RUG-53Still struggling with the new grouper? A refresher course to bring you Read More »

Survey Survival

SURVEY survivalBY RETA A. UNDERWOOD, ADCBeyond the survey checklist  Findings from yet another report should continue to diminish our dependence on Read More »

F314 and Pressure Relief

BY KAREN MERK, RN, BS, CRNAC   F314 and pressure reliefThe new federal guidelines have much to say about support surfaces and Read More »

Making the Most of RUG-53

Making the most of RUG-53BY RENA R. SHEPHARD, MHA, RN, FACDONA, RAC-C  The new classification system can still maximize your deserved Medicare Read More »

Guilt-Free Getaways for MDS Coordinators

BY JENNIFER GROSS, RN, BSN, AND STEVEN B. LITTLEHALE, MS, APRN, BCGuilt-free getaways for MDS coordinatorsJust because the MDS never takes a vacation Read More »

The Power of the MDS

The Power of the MDSQuality Indicators shoulsn't be feared - they are a useful resourceBY RENA R. SHEPHARD, RN, BA, FACDONA The Minimum Data Set Read More »