The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Resource assists LTC employees with tax filing

It will soon be 2011 and we all will have to account to Uncle Sam for our 2010 income. Preparing your own tax return is a challenge for anyone, believe me. It’s an exercise I put off every year until the last possible moment because I don’t want to do it—so I pay to have to have them done. (I’ve used the same preparer for years and he knows I’ll be knocking on his door on April 14.) Your direct-care workers might have the same taxophobia that I do, and you can help—well, help them at least.


Do your employees know if they are entitled to Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) or where they might get free tax preparation assistance? PHI, a nonprofit organization, recently launched an online tax resource center to give you the tools to help educate employees on tax benefits they might be entitled to. PHI’s Earn, Keep, Save MORE resource center ( provides information on state and federal EITC eligibility requirements and access to Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites staffed by IRS-trained preparers.


Armed with this information, along with Earn, Keep, Save MORE materials, such as paycheck stuffers and posters, you can support your direct-care staff in this annual exercise. By not letting any of their needed dollars slip away, this extra money can help direct-care employees make ends meet.

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