Green and Grey and E-F-A

Just sorting out some things today before leaving for Tucson Sunday morning for the Environments for Aging conference. I hope to spend the majority of Sunday all by myself, just hanging out, relaxing—hopefully outdoors!

Although I’m getting some nice Southern exposure through my Cleveland office window now, the temperatures here have been freezing. And I think just the look of downtown Cleveland makes everything seem colder. Tucson is currently in the 60s, partly sunny. Nice… Looks like some rain though on Monday.

Make sure to check out some of these Environments for Aging blog posts about going-on’s at the conference. I should also have some images loaded as well. If you are attending, feel free to add your experience to this blog and send some photos and captions in to me at

It’s easy to register and post entries. And the posts don’t have to be real long and in-depth—we’d just like to hear from the attendees. You can also add comments to blog posts.

With EFA on the mind, I came across this older people’s charity challenging the U.K. Government to link the twin agendas of an ageing population and climate change. In a new report, Towards Common Ground: climate change and an ageing population, the charity is suggesting that many of the policies which could be used to tackle climate change, such as personal carbon accounts and better public transport to cut car use, could bring real benefits to older people.

Anna Pearson, policy manager for Help the Aged, says: “Climate change and growing older are now two certainties facing all of us. For the government, these twin agendas pose both a threat but also a very real opportunity.”

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