Poll Comments: Are you satisfied with your facility’s quality assurance program?
How may it be improved? The votes… The dialogue… –By participation by all levels of staff. –Our QA program is definitely effective. We are in Massachusetts and we had 1 deficiency last year and 4 this year. Not one had to do with quality of care it was all paper related. We are improving it every day as we involve front line staff right down to the housekeepers and laundry personnel to assist with decisions on a day to day operation along with the residents who can participate in QA as it is their home. –Still too much paper compliance and not enough REAL change. –Provide more innovative and fresh/new activity every now and then. What do you think?

I Advance Senior Care is the industry-leading source for practical, in-depth, business-building, and resident care information for owners, executives, administrators, and directors of nursing at assisted living communities, skilled nursing facilities, post-acute facilities, and continuing care retirement communities. The I Advance Senior Care editorial team and industry experts provide market analysis, strategic direction, policy commentary, clinical best-practices, business management, and technology breakthroughs.
I Advance Senior Care is part of the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and published by Plain-English Health Care.
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