The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Palm Garden of Ocala 2008 OPTIMA Award Ceremony

OPTIMA Award presentations tend to be memorable occasions, and the ceremony last fall at Palm Garden of Ocala was no exception. A sizable number of residents and staff turned out for the occasion, which saw Mayor Randy Ewers of Ocala and Florida State Representative Kurt Kelly praising the facility for its achievement in winning OPTIMA. The full story of a yearlong culture change project, with ups and downs in staff comprehension and progress, can be found in the September 2008 Long-Term Living, p. 30. At the ceremony facility administrator Jennifer Mikula, NHA, and DON Tina Vanaman, RN, offered gracious acceptance speeches and received warm applause from the audience, including Debbie Franklin, Chair of the Florida Health Care Association. Their success was made possible, in part, by a $66,000 grant from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration to expedite the program, called “Empower With Choice.” (See facing page for more information about the 2009 OPTIMA Award.)

A day in the sun for dietary aide Betty Brokenborough
Dietary staff Torrance Blocker (l.) and Janet Honor played a key role in the festivities

Administrator Jennifer Mikula (r.) and Deborah Franklin, Chair of the Florida Health Care Association, observe the ceremony with Long-Term Living Editor-in-Chief Richard L. Peck
Celebrants included (from left) Rhonda Dozier, Director of Community Relations; Terri Hensley, Vice President of Strategic Development; Robin Allen, Vice President of Risk Management; Tina Vanaman, Director of Nursing; Jennifer Mikula, Administrator; Greg Roberts, Region 1 President; and Janice Bayruns, Director of Strategic Development

Long-Term Living 2009 February;58(2):30

Topics: Activities , Articles , Facility management