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The Long-Term Living Web site serves daily news focused on the LTC field. The news feed covers reports and studies, governance, views and news from healthcare associations, seniors’ health, personnel news, product developments, upcoming events, and more. Delivered to your e-mail inbox, the weekly e-newsletter is a convenient way to read the top headlines in the field. Find out more and subscribe to the eNews at

How does your facility dispose of unused drugs?

Reader comments:

“We crush the medication and then place it in a small bag of coffee grounds, which is then disposed of.”

“Crush and mix w/used cat litter, then dispose of in trash.”

“We log each prescription on a destruction log. Then we place them in a cardboard box, seal the box, and sign it. A biohazard company will then pick up the box and take it for incineration.”

“Biohazard waste.”

“Sharps containers.”

“Crush pills and mix with water and kitty litter.”


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Reacting to rebellion

If revolutions are carried out by organized groups of frustrated citizens, then the Wesley Enhanced Living (WEL) Aging Revolution Summit provides an example of intelligent execution. September 25 marked the second incarnation of this forward-thinking gathering of healthcare professionals, economists, and politicians—all of whom spoke during panel sessions and speeches to 300 long-term care providers worried about the future of their industry. The following story details the experiences of three WEL employees who witnessed this revolution with notepads in hand.

Long-Term Living 2008 November;57(11):6

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