Let your voice be heard by contributing to Long-Term Living
The editors of Long-Term Living are constantly on the lookout for newsworthy or educational content for our print publication and Web site. I often get e-mails and phone calls from professionals in the long-term care (LTC) industry asking how they can contribute articles or blogs. Well, it’s pretty simple, and here’s how:
Read the magazine and check out the Web site. Before you write an article proposal, review a few back issues of the magazine to get a feel for our content and style. You’ll see that our articles run anywhere from 800-2,000 words, depending on the subject. You’ll also see some of the ongoing “hot topics” that are top of mind for our readership of LTC owners, operators, and directors of nursing (e.g., MDS 3.0, staffing issues, regulatory compliance, information technology, sales and marketing tools, clinical care). On our Web site, we’re always interested in fresh perspectives that can be expressed as a blog or Web feature.
Go to www.iadvanceseniorcare.com and on the top navigation bar, you’ll see a tab at the far right titled “Contact Us.” Roll your cursor over the tab and a drop-down bar will list another tab, “Submit an Article Idea”. Click on that and you’ll be directed to complete a simple form. Those submissions are forwarded to me and I do review each one.
In addition to garnering some recognition for yourself and your organization should your article or blog be accepted for publication or posting, you’ll be doing a great service for the LTC industry in providing a new viewpoint or learning moment. I welcome that contribution, and encourage you to roll up your sleeves and write!

Patricia Sheehan was Editor in Chief of I Advance Senior Care / Long Term Living from 2010-2013. She is now manager, communications at Nestlé USA.
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