Herman Gibans Fodor, Inc. ‘ Architects, Kemper House Mentor
Kemper House Mentor – Mentor, Ohio Herman Gibans Fodor, Inc. ‘ Architects – Cleveland, Ohio |
Type of Facility/Setting: Assisted Living (Dementia Care) Facility Contact: Betty J. Kemper, President Firm: Herman Gibans Fodor, Inc. ‘ Architects, (216) 696-3460 Design Team: James G. Herman, AIA, Managing Principal; David P. DiFrancesco, AIA, Principal-in-Charge; Robert W. Shearer, Project Manager; Angela Manne, Project Manager Photography: William Webb, Infinity Studio Resident Capacity: 44 Space/Resident (sq. ft.): 717 Total Area (sq. ft.): 31,500 Total Cost (excluding land): $3.6 million (including site work) Cost/Sq. Ft.: $114 Completion: August 2001 |
The facility includes 28 private rooms and 8 semiprivate rooms. The structure emulates the Victorian-style farmhouses that were historically located in the area. A marketable residential image that would appeal to residents and families was desired. Exterior design elements include a welcoming front porch, residential siding and trim, a stone base and an asphalt-shingled gable roof. The main entrance is a two-story hall with a grand staircase and living room. The 44 efficient, yet attractive, resident units are arranged in two neighborhoods of 22. Each neighborhood contains its own dining room, family room, spa and staff service spaces. Studio units have distinct living and sleeping areas. The private units have their own bath and tea kitchen; the semiprivate units have separate sleeping areas with shared bath and tea kitchen. All resident rooms have wheel-in showers. The courtyard configuration minimizes perceived corridor length, and the corridor is designed as a streetscape, with front porches at each unit entrance, kitchen windows and seating areas. A circulation system with streetscape, front porches and seating areas provides varied wandering experiences. To allow residents to age in place, this building is designed to nursing home licensure standards, and private units can be converted to semiprivate nursing rooms. |
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