Giving seniors a new look—and a new outlook

Being pampered is one of a woman’s greatest pleasures at any age. GlamourGals is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to foster intergenerational relationships. What better way to do this than by swapping stories during a beauty makeover?

That’s what happened at Brookdale’s Robin Run Village senior living community in Indianapolis this past holiday season. The holidays can be a melancholy time for seniors, so to brighten the season for them, GlamourGals enlisted local adult volunteers to gather up makeup, skin care and nail products and provide fashion expertise to provide facials, manicures and makeovers to 30 ladies living at Robin Run.

“What a wonderful experience to do something so simple as putting blush on or painting nails and having a simple conversation with a 92-year-old woman,” remarks Paulette Dolores Dukes, a GlamourGals adult supporter.

As resident Betty Wehlage says, “I enjoyed the afternoon with the young women pampering us, the great refreshments and the visiting. What a day!” The ladies even had their pictures taken with a local celebrity: Indiana weatherman Paul Poteet.

Brookdale’s Optimum Life program focuses on six key dimensions: emotional, intellectual, physical, social, spiritual and purposeful. Sara Terry, vice president of Optimum Life, confirms that the event embodied all six of these dimensions. “It also achieves the goal of teaching the younger generation to honor and interact with other generations,” she adds.

Robin Run ladies won’t have to wait long to enjoy another day of beauty and fun. GlamourGals is teaming up with the student volunteers of the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY), to provide their stylish makeovers on June 11. “HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop youth to a life dedicate to leadership, service and innovation,” says Carla Gillespie, Leadership Service Director of HOBY Indiana. After the makeovers are complete, Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard will speak to the teens and residents in a special program.

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