Executive Leadership

Can Software Prevent Nurse Burnout?

To reduce nurse burnout and improve patient care, SNFs and other senior care facilities are implementing scheduling software, helping ensure proper nurse-to-patient ratios. Read More »

Gun Violence and Senior Living

Last year, gun violence led to tragic outcomes in several U.S. senior living facilities. How can you keep residents and employees at your facility safe? Read More »

Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans for Senior Care Facilities

48% of all structural fires in health care facilities occurred in skilled nursing facilities. You can reduce the risk of a fire becoming a tragic event. Read More »

Partnering for Better Internships

Some long-term care and assisted living communities are getting creative in how they recruit the best and brightest staff, and are taking pains to build their next generation of staff leaders Read More »

Unmet Needs Lead To Staff Turnover

A two-year study of three nursing homes in Sweden offers valuable data for all nursing home leaders. The study, Unmet Expectations: Why N... Read More »

QAPI Can Engage Staff and Improve Your LTC Facility

A key component of active implementation of the final rule is for all staff to be trained and participating in Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) activities — a paradigm shift for some nursing homes. Read More »

Senior Care Leadership: Are You a Workaholic?

Finding (and modeling) a better work-life balance can benefit your entire organization Read More »

Branding & Marketing: What Senior Living Can Learn From Other Industries

Marketing and branding tactics that can help set your senior care organization apart from your competition. Read More »

Apprenticeships in Senior Care

On-the-job training can improve quality of care and incentivize good workers to stay put. Read More »

Social Media and Senior Living

If your senior care organization doesn't have a social media presence, it’s time to get one set up. Read More »

Should Your Senior Care Organization Engage an Outside PR Firm?

A PR agency can help you execute initiatives and cope with crisis communications, but you’ll have to do some work, too. Read More »

5 Steps to Preventing Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks can cause big consequences for senior care facilities. So how can you help prevent cyberattacks? Follow these five steps. Read More »

Cyber Crime: Is Your Senior Care Facility at Risk?

The rise of internet connectivity in all areas of life means your senior living facility could come under attack. Read More »

10 Tips for Improved Leadership Communications

Better communication can improve your workplace culture and lead to better staff commitment and longevity. Read More »

The Many Benefits of Strategic Rounds

By following the practical approaches to rounding described in this article, you can maximize what you learn about care delivery and achieve the greatest results. Read More »

Nursing homes may be illegally refusing residents in need of addiction treatment

Nursing facilities routinely turn away patients seeking post-hospital care if they are taking medicine to treat opioid addiction, a practice that legal experts say violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Read More »

Therapy cap survives via congressional inaction

Congress recessed for the final holiday of 2017 without addressing the current Medicare therapy cap exceptions process, set to expire on December 31. Without the exceptions process or an alternative, therapists will not be allowed to provide services above the therapy cap in 2018. Read More »

Setting an example

2016 Leader of Tomorrow award recipient Bruce William thanks a former boss turned mentor for showing him how to serve and move the long-term care industry forward. Read More »

Tech-driven care transitions

Navigating hospital discharges and post-acute care in the tech-focused era is about more than Meaningful Use compliance. Read More »

Nursing home discharges under scrutiny

Residents, ombudsman, associations and consumer advocates are raising their voice about a growing number of allegedly improper evictions and discharges. Read More »

Editors’ pick: 2017’s top staffing and training stories

2017 brought attention to staffing shortages, initiatives to cross-train and a new push to educate caregivers in person-centered memory care. Here are our Editors’ Top 6 stories for 2017 on staffing, training and job leadership. Read More »

Humana joins the Kindred buyers’ table

The Kentucky insurer is the latest to buy a piece of Kindred, and the deal could have significant impacts on Humana’s competitive edge in seniors’ at-home care. Read More »

DOJ tallies $57M in Medicare fraud busts in two weeks

Medicare fraud squads are closing out 2017 by catching a wide range of health service providers in the crosshairs of crime, including several cases of opioid-related fraud. Read More »

Tips on bringing loved ones home for the holidays

Brookdale Senior Living offers families tips for a successful visit when Grandma comes home for the holidays. Read More »

Home care workers need more training in dementia care: PHI brief

Most states don’t yet require dementia training for home care workers. Will deeper training in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias become the market differentiator in the home care sector? Read More »

Lyft expands healthcare offerings

The rideshare company announced its latest partnership with startup company Circulation to expand non-emergency medical transportation options. Read More »

End-of-life wishes by video

More physicians are warming to the idea of video-recorded advance care wishes. Does your facility offer this ability to residents? Read More »

The secret to reducing hospitalizations: APRNs

A Missouri skilled nursing program reduced unnecessary hospitalizations by nearly 50 percent by using full-time APRNs, according to a CMS report. Read More »

CMS puts 18-mo. hold on certain enforcements, 5-star ratings

The agency has issued a temporary moratorium on the enforcement of eight specific Phase 2 F-Tags, although the new survey process begins this week as scheduled. Read More »

Fire safety for the holidays

Deck the halls, but be safe about it. National fire and life safety expert Stan Szpytek shares tips on reducing fire risk during the holidays. Read More »