My healthcare success story

I just had a fantastic healthcare experience. I know you don’t hear that phrase a lot these days, but it’s absolutely true. A friendly welcome. Prompt attention. Skilled physicians and caregivers. Clear communication. Compassion and support. Relentless follow-up. Actual professionals available by email and phone, whenever I need them—forever, apparently.

It was like a breath of fresh mountain air—care and service so marvelously great that when I actually have healthcare issues of my own, God forbid, I hope to check into that same veterinary hospital. The one that took such wonderful care of my dog, Fizbo.

Knowing me, I’ll probably tell the whole awful, inspiring story of his near death experience in a future Long Term Living column. But in the meantime, I’ll be quietly pondering why our multi-trillion dollar healthcare system can’t seem to consistently provide the same sort of experience for humankind.

It’s just not fair. Fizbo even got a free doggy treat and an affectionate pat on the head. I can’t remember the last time my doctor gave me either one.


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