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I voted for:

Reader comments:

– “Clearly, the country has been on the wrong track. Let’s hope Obama will be able to unite the country for the common good.”

– “McCain was the best choice for our country. We now have Obama.”

– “The Dems will force us out of business with more Medicare rules and regs and budget cuts.”



Allendale’s ‘CNA of the Year’

It’s a May afternoon at the Allendale Community for Mature Living in Bergen County, New Jersey. Residents are gathered in the courtyard, waiting patiently for a lively activity to begin: the facility’s fashion show. Entertained by the event’s cheerfulness, this audience isn’t prepared for who is about to make her surprise entrance—or grand entrance, in their eyes. Ophelia Thomas, certified nursing assistant to her employers, local celebrity to her residents, just emerged, and the audience erupts.

The power of publicity

The value of positive media coverage is—to paraphrase the credit card commercial—“priceless,” and is often overlooked by senior communities. The printed word has a 70% greater retention rate than traditional advertising. Third-party endorsements are more credible, and the value of what someone reads is long-lasting. Gaining positive press attention isn’t by happenstance. By using some basic techniques, your community may reap rewards.

Long-Term Living 2008 December;57(12):4

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