Month: June 2022

How a Competitor Analysis Can Boost Your Marketing

Before you start a new marketing initiative or begin a rebranding process, taking the time to perform a competitor analysis can be a valuable decision. Read More »

Strategies for Managing Social Media With Limited Staff Time

Social media and marketing experts share their favorite time-saving strategies to help you stay on top of your social postings. Read More »

How Virtual Reality Is Poised to Help Seniors

From helping residents forge valuable relationships to aiding in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke recovery, VR technology is supporting seniors in many ways. Read More »

How to Get More Out of Your Relationship with a Staffing Agency

By carefully building and maintaining the relationships that they have with staffing agencies, senior care organizations stand to benefit in multiple ways. Read More »

Best Practices in Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Pressure ulcers occur in 17% to 28% of patients over 70 years old in nursing homes, and they can be a serious health concern. Read More »

Using Technology to Support the Needs of Memory Care Residents

Technology plays an important role in the senior care industry, but it’s particularly valuable in memory care settings. Read More »

How Rock Climbing Brings Assisted Living Residents New Adventures

Residents at an assisted living facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado recently tried a new type of activity: rock climbing. Read More »

Special Report: Staff Focus: How to Create a Workplace That Supports Employees

Senior care staff play a key role not only in the organization’s success, but also in the quality of the care that residents receive. While the senior care industry already faced significant staffing shortages pre-pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic only heightened and exacerbated those challenges. The result? Supporting your staff and creating an employee-friendly workplace is now even more important than ever. That staff support can take many forms, from providing training and quality benefits to developing programs that ensure staff have the resources they need even when outside of work. Building a team of quality staff takes time, as well as financial resources. The better an organization can support its employees, the more appealing a workplace it becomes. Attracting the talented staff needed can become easier, and similarly, organizations can better retain the staff they already have. Read More »

How Robotics Can Shape the Senior Care Industry

From reducing the workload for staff to interacting with residents, robots are influencing and supporting the senior care industry in multiple ways. Read More »

Strategies to Combat Ageism in Senior Care Settings

Ageism encompasses stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination toward others and ourselves that is based on age. Read More »

Actionable Steps to Improve Nursing Home Operations and Patient Outcomes

A new report on the quality of care in nursing homes details seven overarching conclusions. Read More »