The holistic, natural way to manage pain

Saying om may reduce pain.

A review of clinical trials found using a combination of complementary health approaches might help manage severe pain, according to findings published int he journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health searched the MEDLINE database for randomized, controlled clinical trials with U.S. participants published between 1966 and March 2016. They sought evidience on the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of widely used complementary approaches, including acupuncture, spinal manipulation or osteopathic manipulation, massage therapy, tai chi, yog, relation techniques and selected natural product supplements.

They found that the following complementary approaches had more positive ouotcomes and could help pients manage certain painful health conditions:

  • Accupuncture and yoga for back pain
  • Accupuncture and tai chi for oseoarthritis of the knee
  • Massage therapy for neck pain
  • Relaxation techniques for sever headaches and migrains.

These findings are supported with other recent systematic reviews.

Topics: Articles , Rehabilitation