
Admissions, discharges and data-sharing

Will hospitals and nursing homes ever be able to agree on a standard set of data to share during patient transfers? Thought leaders at the annual NASL meeting discuss the current regs—and what needs to happen next. Read More »

FDA: Research should focus on earlier Alzheimer stages

Clinical trials, more accurate diagnoses and new drug research are all part of extending quality of life for those with dementia. Read More »

Brain activity declines over time with Parkinson’s disease

New research on how Parkinson’s disease affects brain activity could help measure the effectiveness of future clinical trials and offer insight into new treatments.  Read More »

Sanofi, Google-owner form new diabetes management company

The French pharmaceutical and Verily Life Sciences LLC announced a nearly $500 million joint venture aimed at offering devices and services for people with diabetes, one of the fastest growing disease markets.  Read More »

The Human Connection Model for memory care

In this segment of our original research series, learn how each resident’s personal story can be used to enhance communication, interaction and care delivery. Read More »

Study finds MEND could reverse memory loss

Memory and cognition improved in a small study of people with cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease by following a personalized therapeutic approach called metabolic enhancement for neurodegeneration (MEND), a 36-point diet, lifestyle and vitamin regimen. Read More »

FDA recommends reducing sodium intake

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued draft guidance to reduce sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams per day. One in three Americans has high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Read More »

Sunrise Senior Living donates $75k to Alzheimer’s Association

Sunrise Senior Living will make a donation to the Alzheimer's Association's Brain Ball in honor of national honoree Thomas J. DeRosa, CEO of Welltower, Inc. Read More »