New Orleans nursing homes evacuate in advance of Isaac

A report from the Times-Picayune (New Orleans) confirms that at least nine area nursing homes will evacuate in advance of tropical storm Isacc as it approaches New Orleans. If power is lost, eight of those homes do not have backup air conditioning systems. Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals has been working with nine other skilled nursing facilities without backup air conditioning to “take precautions or evacuate.”

Six facilities evacuated all of their residents as of Monday evening. Our Lady of Wisdom Health Care Center evacuated its high-risk residents, according to the news report.

Across the area, hospitals, health centers and clinics have altered their schedules, cancelling elective surgeries and closing clinics as of 7 a.m this morning. In the New Orleans area, 300 patients with special medical needs were transferred to shelters to ride out the storm.

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