Regulatory Compliance

Sexual Expression and Intimacy: How to Develop a Strong Policy

Providers should consider developing a resident-centered policy for the management of resident sexual activity - here are the guidelines to consider. Read More »

Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans for Senior Care Facilities

48% of all structural fires in health care facilities occurred in skilled nursing facilities. You can reduce the risk of a fire becoming a tragic event. Read More »

Unmet Needs Lead To Staff Turnover

A two-year study of three nursing homes in Sweden offers valuable data for all nursing home leaders. The study, Unmet Expectations: Why N... Read More »

QAPI Can Engage Staff and Improve Your LTC Facility

A key component of active implementation of the final rule is for all staff to be trained and participating in Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) activities — a paradigm shift for some nursing homes. Read More »

New Safe Medication Disposal Rules

Is your facility in compliance with new EPA rules regarding disposal of pharmaceuticals? Read More »

CMS’ PDPM May Impact Clinical Protocols

Changes to Medicare reimbursements may affect your facility’s workflow. Read More »

Nursing home discharges under scrutiny

Residents, ombudsman, associations and consumer advocates are raising their voice about a growing number of allegedly improper evictions and discharges. Read More »

CMS puts 18-mo. hold on certain enforcements, 5-star ratings

The agency has issued a temporary moratorium on the enforcement of eight specific Phase 2 F-Tags, although the new survey process begins this week as scheduled. Read More »

Championing infection control

As the CMS regulations for infection control programs kick in, providers are finding that leadership matters as much as training. Read More »

CMS proposes new Immediate Jeopardy policy for SNFs

The draft policy could reduce the likelihood of high civil money penalties against skilled nursing providers for immediate jeopardy deficiences that resulted in no harm or death.  Read More »

CMS proposes new Immediate Jeopardy policy for nursing homes

The draft policy could reduce the likelihood of high civil money penalties against skilled nursing providers for immediate jeopardy deficiences that resulted in no harm or death.  Read More »

Bye-bye, CMMI?

CMS Administrator Seema Verma has announced the dawn of big changes at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). What will happen to all the bundled payment projects? Read More »

Disaster plans: perfect on paper

The criminal investigation into the eight South Florida nursing home deaths following Hurricane Irma is prompting a larger look at how long-term care facilities prepare—and practice—for natural disasters. Read More »

5 must-haves for emergency preparedness planning

New CMS regulations are an opportunity for providers to write policies and practice procedures that can prepare staff for the unexpected.  Read More »

Advance directive struggle for Alzheimer’s resident

A resident's advance directive has turned into a legal battle with family members who say the assisted living provider shouldn't be helping her eat. Read More »

CMS launches Hospice Compare site

Much like the Nursing Home Compare site for skilled nursing facilities, the new data comparison tool will allow consumers to see quality measures data on hospice and palliative care providers. Read More »

Senate GOP issues revisions to BCRA health bill

GOP senators make a few big changes to the BCRA bill but stick to their guns on tax repeals and cuts to Medicaid. Read More »

Social media’s double-edged sword

Social media is ubiquitous, valuable and fun. It can also get long-term care providers into a lot of legal trouble. Read More »

Breaking down the CBO report: How AHCA could affect seniors

How could the proposed AHCA legislation affect older adults? What could happen to Medicaid and the ability to find insurance coverage? We explain the actual CBO report section by section. Read More »

CMS Final Rule: Compliance and ethics programs

SNF compliance and ethics programs aren’t optional anymore, and in some cases, may require additional staff roles. Are your programs survey-ready? Read More »

House passes AHCA bill by 4 votes

The promise of $8 billion for high-risk and pre-existing conditions pushed the bill in the GOP's favor. The bill now moves on to the Senate, where the margins for passage are predicted to be tougher. Read More »

Lending a hand to infection control

May 5 is World Hand Hygiene Day, a great time for a staff refresher in the importance of maintaining proper hand hygiene protocols. Read More »

The ACA and Medicaid

After months of political leverage on repealing the Affordable Care Act, the GOP decided to ditch its new House bill without voting on it. Now what? Read More »

Home care before hospice

Home based palliative care, or pre-hospice, programs aim to improve quality of life by bringing healthcare workers into the home and better care coordination—all while cutting costs for seniors and Medicare. And research shows it’s working. Read More »

Silver linings

Long-term and post-acute care has plenty of challenges for 2017, but trials and tribulations can be good for the industry in the long run. Read More »

Civil money penalties expected to double for Va. assisted living

Virginia lawmakers have passed a bill that would raise the maximum penalty per year for violations at assisted living facilities in the state. Read More »

CMS applauds readmission reduction

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has seen a substantial decline in hospitalization admissions among Medicare beneficiaries in long-term care.  Read More »

Therapy billing fraud: When will LTC learn?

Providers who overbill or fudge their therapy services are on the DOJ’s radar more than ever. So why is there still so much therapy billing fraud? Read More »

FDA nixes 14-day drug pre-packaging rule

The new FDA rules acknowledge the unique role and dispensing needs of LTC pharmacies, including emergency kits and remote dispensing. Read More »

CMS releases home health agency rules

Home health agencies that receive Medicare or Medicaid funds must now comply with a new set of rules designed to close the gaps in care documentation. Read More »