Beating the ‘bug’

The flu bug, that is. This week (December 4-10) has been declared National Influenza Vaccination Week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since 2005, the week highlights the importance of everyone six months and older to “get the flu vaccine, not the flu.”

It is especially important for those in congregate environments to protect themselves and others from contracting influenza. During a CDC teleconference, Dr. Howard Koh, assistant secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services, said, “Influenza is a serious and unpredictable disease. It’s not too late to vaccinate.”

An ABC News health blog highlights the Top 5 Flu Myths. Take a look and it might help you decide to take that shot or nasal spray. To support the importance of vaccination, many community outreach and targeted outlets are sending out the message. For instance, the AARP will include flu information and vaccination information on the AARP blog targeted to people age 50 and older.

Even the National Football League is dedicating space on the team websites of the Cleveland Browns and Baltimore Ravens, as well as the NFL fan pages and the NFL community website.

Winter is long and the flu virus is out there. Check out the CDC for the latest information, events, data and, as they recommend, add the CDC Flu Vaccination Pledge widget to your website, blog or social media because “THE FLU ENDS WITH U.”

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