And the 2013 OPTIMA Award goes to…
Long-Term Living is proud to announce that the winner of the 2013 OPTIMA Award is Eliza Jennings, a non-profit aging services organization headquartered in Lakewood, Ohio. The organization is the first in the country to trial and then implement the SAIDO Learning memory support program, a non-pharmaceutical approach to dementia and memory loss in older adults that was developed in Japan. Participants in the trial and at initial program sites showed such strong improvement in quality of life that Eliza Jennings now offers the SAIDO Learning program at all of its communities and hopes to train other facilities in the program in the future.
Stay tuned for our continuing coverage of this ground-breaking program on our website and in the next print issue.
Congratulations to Eliza Jennings and thanks to everyone who submitted projects for this year’s OPTIMA Award competition!
For more information about the OPTIMA Award and a list of previous winners, click here.

Pamela Tabar was editor-in-chief of I Advance Senior Care from 2013-2018. She has worked as a writer and editor for healthcare business media since 1998, including as News Editor of Healthcare Informatics. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Kent State University and a master’s degree in English from the University of York, England.
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