We have the flu beat

Long-Term Living and I have been named 2014–2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Flu Vaccination Digital Ambassadors, a formal acknowledgement of the efforts we have made and are making to keep you informed of best practices and trends related to the flu.

The Flu Vaccination Digital Ambassadors program recognizes partners and online publishers who commit to posting information about flu vaccination multiple times throughout the flu season. For us, it's a no-brainer to be on “the flu beat” (in journalist parlance), attending press conferences, sharing links to CDC information and providing other information that is so important to everyone in aging services—organizations as a whole, individual employees and the patients/residents/clients you serve.

Keep visiting Long-Term Living's website, www.iadvanceseniorcare.com, for the latest news and information related to the flu. We also share content via Twitter (@LongTermLiving and @Lois_Bowers), the Long-Term Living Facebook page (www.facebook.com/longtermliving) and the Long-Term Living LinkedIn group, so be sure to connect with us via those channels as well.

You’ll note that the badge that appears in this blog also appears in much of the flu-related coverage we’ve provided since this past fall, links to which appear below. Flu can occur at any time of year—so it’s always timely to review this information—although, thankfully, flu’s prevalence typically ends in March (which is almost here!) before picking up again in September.

Our most recent coverage appears first in this list:

Hospitalization of seniors with flu hits record rate

Remember antiviral drugs for flu, CDC tells clinicians

CDC releases new flu toolkit

Flu season could be severe, CDC predicts

3 ways to fight the flu

Battling Ebola and other threats, wherever we are

Encourage residents to get vaccinated against flu

CDC recommends 2 pneumonia vaccines for older adults

Flu vaccination low among long-term care workers

Wishing you good health.

Topics: Clinical