Entry Management Survey for Senior Care Facilities [Survey Form] "*" indicates required fieldsStep 1 of 812%1. Which best describes your organization?Choose one. Senior Care Provider Vendor, Consultant, Government, or Other2. What type of entry management/visitor sign-in solution do you use?* We have a homegrown paper, tablet or excel process We currently don't have an entry management/visitor sign-in system We use disparate systems Queueme solution Strive AV solution Accushield solution Raptor solution Other3. Would using facial recognition for visitor sign-in concern you from a data privacy and legal perspective?* Yes No Undecided4. How satisfied are you with your entry management/visitor sign-in system/solution?* Highly satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Not at all satisfied5. Does capturing temperature and health screening questionnaires add value from a resident health perpective? Yes No Undecided6. Which of the following best describes where you are in regard to adding the functionalities you need to address your challenges or create significant improvements with your entry management solution?* We are thinking about it but don't know where to start We are looking into different solutions now We are reviewing vendors /consultants We have issued an RFI/RFP We are engaged with a vendor / consultant We have no specific plans7. Bonus Question: If you could add one feature to your entry management / visitor sign-in process what would it be? Please be specific. One answer will be selected to win a $250.00 gift card!Please provide your contact information to be entered in the drawing for a $100 Amazon gift cart and to receive your Executive Summary of the survey resultsName* First Last Email*Please enter your business email address. Job Title*Company*Phone*You are protected by our privacy policy. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive email from i Advance Senior Care and Accushield. You can opt out of further email at the bottom of any marketing email you receive.