Mentorship program aimed at guiding nurses through careers

The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) has launched a mentoring program aimed at “all nurses in all specialties, including experienced nurses who may be changing jobs or settings,” according to a release.

The program, which is supplemented with online resources, is designed to help nurses develop relationships and improve their caregiving skills.

"We're offering it as a service, on a complimentary basis, and we believe it is going to make a huge difference for nurses, facilities and patients," AMSN Executive Director Cynthia Nowicki Hnatiuk, EdD, RN, CAE, said in a release.

The online component includes a downloadable “Mentor Guide,” “Mentee Guide” and “Site Coordinator Guide.” Each component contains tools, management plans, evaluations and details on the respective roles, along with also tips and surveys in a self-directed format.

Topics: Clinical , Staffing