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MDS 3.0 report offers expert lessons, tips for success

Just a year ago, skilled nursing administrators across the nation were scrambling to prepare for the October implementation of MDS 3.0. To offer providers help in readying for 3.0, Long-Term Living presented an MDS Special Report in the August issue.

Now, a year later, we’ve revisited the resident assessment instrument, with providers and experts offering operational and management anecdotes, lessons learned and tips for success. This year’s special report, MDS 3.0 Follow-Up, is available in the print issue, online and as a downloadable pdf, upon registration.

In this updated report, you can pick up tips to navigating the complexities of 3.0 as it relates to urinary incontinence and gain insights on the importance of recreational therapy in affecting residents’ quality of care and quality of life. Several accomplished MDS nurses weigh in on operational challenges while administrators offer a macro view of the instrument.

Feel free to share this information with members of your care team. It’s a valuable resource in these dynamic and rapidly changing times for the skilled nursing community.

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