House authorizes $400M for Alzheimer’s research

For the second straight year, legislators are investing in Alzheimer’s treatments.

The House Appropriations Committee approved a $400 million increase in Alzheimer’s and dementia research funding for the fiscal year 2018 budget. Research funding at the National Institutes of Health now totals $1.4 billion, following the committee’s historic increase of $400 million for fiscal year 2017.

This bipartisan proposal for increased National Institutes of Health funding was again led by Tom Cole (R-Okla.), House Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee chairman.
“We are pleased Congress recognizes the large human and financial toll this fatal disease has on our nation, and continues to take decisive action in the fight to end Alzheimer’s said Harry Johns, Alzheimer’s Association and Alzheimer’s Impact Movement president and CEO in a press release.

“With soaring prevalence, lack of treatment, and enormous costs, Alzheimer’s disease is a crippling triple threat unlike any other disease. In order for us to change the current trajectory of the disease so that we can save lives and money, we need consistent and meaningful investments in Alzheimer’s research from the federal government.”

Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease in the county, costing an estimated $259 billion in 2017, of which $175 billion was fronted by Medicare and Medicaid.

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that unless breakthroughs are found by 2050, the number of people with the disease will nearly triple, and associated costs will more than quadruple to $1.1 trillion. 

Related: House proposes $350M increase for dementia research

Topics: Advocacy , Alzheimer's/Dementia