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Celebrate Long-Term Care Administrator’s Week

The industry salutes long-term care administrators this week, thanking them for the leadership and daily attention to detail that results in quality of care and quality of life in the nation’s long-term care communities.

Appreciation for hardworking administrators deserves to be shown on both an individual level and a group level, notes the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA), which has sponsored the national observance each March since 1994. Individual recognition can range from a certificate of appreciation to flowers, a special gift or a donation to an administrator’s favorite cause. Another idea is to give your administrators something relaxing or pampering, such as gift card to a spa, so they “can be on the receiving end of caregiving,” the ACHCA website suggests.

Praise also should be shared with the greater community, so plan to offer recognition at the facility level. Some facilities host a ceremony to honor administrators, while others plan a special meal shared with staff, volunteers and residents. Don’t hesitate to tell your local community how grateful you are for administrator excellence—press releases can be offered to the local newspaper or notices can be posted in the public library.

Long-Term Care Administrator’s Week runs from Mar. 9 to Mar. 15, 2014. Free templates for creating recognition certificates and organizational press releases are available on ACHCA’s website.

Topics: Executive Leadership , Facility management , Leadership , Staffing