A special challenge of MDS 3.0 Section M: Skin Conditions

One of the rewards of editing Long-Term Living is fostering friendships and professional kinship with providers, clinicians, academics, and policy makers at the highest levels of the

Diane L. Krasner

long-term care (LTC) field. One such expert I’ve grown to respect and admire is Diane Krasner, a wound and skin care consultant and the co-author of Chronic Wound Care: A Clinical Source Book for Healthcare Professionals.


Diane has a passion for her work that both impresses and confounds me. How does one build an expertise, career, and even love for a subject that is so complex and, well, to this squeamish type, so hard to fathom dealing with on a daily basis?


And yet whenever I’ve had a question or topic that needs to be covered relating to wound care, Diane has enthusiastically stepped up to the plate to tackle the subject head on. Case in point: In the February issue of Long-Term Living, Diane competently and thoroughly addressed eight challenges relating to wound care data in the MDS 3.0. Check it out here.


If you’re an expert in wound care or any other area of LTC and would like to share your wisdom by blogging, authoring an article, or simply sharing an anecdote or viewpoint, drop me a line at psheehan@iadvanceseniorcare.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Topics: Clinical